Key Documents
Tlachinollan- September 28, 2014:
Gobierno de Guerrero - September 29, 2014:
"Ayúdanos a localizarlos" (Help us finding them)
Amnesty International, October 1, 2014:
MEXICO: Students killed and others missing in Guerrero
Inter-American Commission of Human Rights - October 3, 2014
"Precautionary Measure 409-14"
Gobierno de Guerrero - October 5, 2014:
Tlachinollan -October 13, 2014:
"Nota informativa" (Briefing note)
UN-OHCHR -October 24, 2014:
"UN concerned about the continued enforced disappearance of 43 students in the town of Iguala"
Mexico's General Attorney- November 7, 2014
Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense -November 11, 2014:
National Commission of Human Rights - December 8, 2014:
Mexico's General Attorney-January 27, 2015
"Conferencia de Prensa del Procurador, Jesús Murillo Karam" (Press conference of General Attorney, Jesus Murillo Karam)
Inter-American Commission of Human Rights - January 30, 2015:
UN -Committee on Enforced Disappearance- February 3, 2015:
"Committee on Enforced Disappearances examines report of Mexico"
Inter-American Commission of Human Rights - September 6, 2015
"Group of Experts' Ayotzinapa report: Research and first conclusions"